About Us

Ethical Management

Ethical management is business principle which is maximizing the company's value reflecting the ethical expectations demanded by society into business decision-making.

HHI-TMC's Ethical Management

HHI-TMC is committed to promoting transparent and responsible corporate practices by actively participating in and consistently implementing the ethical management programs of the HD Hyundai Group.

Cyber Reporting

Your valuable reports will lay the foundation for creating a fair and transparent corporate culture.

  • TEL : 052-204-5012
  • FAX : 052-204-5039
  • E-MAIL : ethics@hhitmc.com
  • Address : Human Resources and General Affairs Team, Ethics Management, Hyundai Heavy Industries Turbomachinery, 1000, Bangoejinsunhwan-ro, Dong-gu, Ulsan (44032)